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SCC 20 år 18-21.08.2022

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:37 pm
DBC564ED-F9C6-4C4F-A10B-576E34B90450.jpeg (445.18 KiB) Viewed 1265 times
«For twenty years straight fans of the old VW beetle have had their main event in a small pine forest just north of Oslo. The event is based around our mutual love for the culture and the era of the air-cooled Volkswagen & Porsches and a level of coziness that blows the scales. Most visitors camp at the site with their family and have a great time in this vintage “village” all weekend long.»

VWACB stiller som alltid. Som regel flere fellesstarter der den første går fra Øyrane torsdag 18.08 kl 16:00

Har du ikke vært på Scandinavian Cal Look Classic før så er dette året å hive seg med.

Hoooleyyy Moooleyy!